Mittwoch, 27. April 2011

Easter Weekend in Chicago

Happy Easter everybody. This time i have to write in english because my american friends complained not understanding my blog... But i know it won't be a problem for you guys in germany :-).

Last weekend I flew with 5 friends to Chicago spending easter there. I have heart Chicago is a fantastic city, full of interesting architecture and public art. Now I can agree, its is such a beautiful city! We arrived last Thursday and went straight up to the Hancock Tower to get an overview of the City. While sipping a delicious Vodka-Martini at the 96th floor of the tower, we enjoyed the incredible view: a perfect start to our weekend...

Next day at daytime we also did a boat tour which presents the architectural beauties of Chicago. Don't forget to bring some beers on board:-). Chicago is well known for its wealth of architecture and I have to say it was impressive.

Chicago die 2.

Beside chicago's architecture the city has way more to offer. There are amazing breakfast places like "Lou Mitchell's", a place started in 1923 and you still can feel the past inside the restaurant... Nice style! And the food was good but way to much :-). I had an egg dish but I did not know that their egg dishes are made using double yolk eggs, which they claim makes the eggs larger and fluffier. Beside that I had potatoes & sausages, toast, ice cream, and lots of coffee.... That was enough for the day.

We also went to the contemporary art museum next to our hotel. By the way our hotel was an excellent catch. Right on the main Street downtown Chicago, next to the apple store and convenient to get beer in groceries stores :-). And coffee and tea were delivered everymorning to our hotel room... What a life!

Chicago also has lots of art installations that I really appreciate. It is nice just wandering around and to see pieces which attract your eyes. For an example a pair of transparent glass brick tower display digital videos on their inward faces. A reflecting pool between the towers emphasizes the art installation.

The Bean, Chicago

Of course we have been to Millenium Park to see "THE BEAN". "The Bean" offers some unique views of downtown Chicago. We moved around, and we got a completely different perspective. It's also fun to watch all the people pose in front of this amazing sculpture :-). They go crazy. Anyway I was impressed by this public sculpture by the British artist Anish Kapoor. Impressed by the perfection of the shape and the stainless steal, welded together and highly polished to make no seams visible. It looks like a massive piece of steal. Look!

Freitag, 15. April 2011

Neue Friese at Garrison's Barbershop

Wir at Pylon haben fuer ein Barbershop das neue CI gestaltet und bekommen free haircuts... Und ich muss sagen, die machen gute Arbeit.. Sehr guter Laden!

Donnerstag, 7. April 2011

Und die Grillsaison hat eröffnet.!

Eben noch im Schnee jetzt schon auf der Sonnenterasse! Was will man mehr: Seafood, Steaks, Wein und lauter leckerein... Ich wurde von der Familie English zum Essen eingeladen, und solche riesen Krebsarme habe ich noch nie gegessen...Ich freu mich so auf den Sommer...!!!! Und ja ich habe meine Wohnverhaeltnisse vergroessert. I am so excited...

Bilder folgen bald! Muss erstmal renovieren...


Montag, 4. April 2011

Das letzte Wochenende im Schnee - Wintersaison ist zu Ende

Aber dieses Snowboardwochenende habe wir noch einmal so richtig genossen. Blauer Himmel, Super Schneeverhältnisse, einer der besten Fun Parks in Canada und zu guter letzt ein leckeres Bier zum Abschluss... Ein rundum toller Tag!

Und alle Knochen sind noch heile.. Der Sommer kann kommen..